AND THAT Signature thing that use to bring a following...
I have trouble now even remembering...and it's only growing harrowing.

*ADP Tour Experience December 2007* 12-03 to 12-17 4am
I planned on having my blog & photos up a few days back from tour or at least before the end of the year, but some asshole got me sick and I was laid out for 16 days. I go to great lengths to make sure I don't get sick. I think it's the rudest thing you can do to a person, get them sick and not apologize for wasting their time & being the reason for you being non-productive. I wanted to have a clear mind while writing my reveiw, but my head was clouded. Then in Jan. I got sick again with a really bad flu that lasted forever. After that I had to get all the tour photos up which took forever and a day. *Warning: This blog is very long, (remember, it's a 2 week trip) so take a nap before reading & go get yourself a sandwitch* not kidding.*
I wanted to write my blog/review with a fresh mind so I wouldn't forget anything. That's why I was writing it on my blackberry as I went along, but I regretfully gave up during the 2nd concert I attended (Seattle) because things were just so disasterious that I lost the drive to continue to write. Shame shame shame. To sum it all up, My 10 show tour experience was just alright, my least fav. of all my tori tours. I'm shocked to say the least! Now I can kick my own ass for not writing on my blackberry because I know there are things that I simply won't remember therefore l will leave out. Damn'. I went on a mini roadtrip/tour this time around. 10 shows, 8 different cities. Starting in Portland Oregon and Seattle Washington and I'm so glad I did these. I always have a good time in these 2 states and they have always brought me luck. Mid-tour were the 3 Oakland shows where things got kinda gross, moving on to Phoenix Arizona, San Diego, lovely Santa Barbara, ending in the 2 LA shows Anaheim and LA where things got really gross and by then I had already made up my mind...well, I actually did that in Oakland. "Do this last one and I'll grow me some wine". I can write just an overall review of the shows and what have you, but that's no fun is it? I'm into detail, sharing experieneces whether good or bad. I've been known for being brutally honest, but that's the way I roll. I also know that this will probably most likely be way too long. I'll try hard not to get too personal, I can do that and regret it later. I also tend to rammble, I'll catch myself before I do so.
First off I planned on doing this roadtrip by myself, driving, hotels. But some things came up that prevented me from doing so. I mean not totally alone, I had a travel buddy and did want to spend time @ friends homes again and meet up at resturants & stuff-but I like sleeping, eating, taking showers when I want, not when someone else thinks I should. But some of the car drives w/ friends were the best times I had. I loved them! some of the best memories are made w/ friends. And some you have to go in it alone. And that's fine by me. I was excited to spend time w/ old dear friends, it was nice to rekindle some old friendships, make new friends and lost/dumped a few on the way. Guess on days like this you know who your true friends are...
ON MY WAY TO OREGON (my first show of the tour)
12/03-So I left my house and city to get a plane from the Bob Hope airport. I actually like flying it's the airport that I hate & dread! These people waste my time always! Nothing ever goes smooth. I was on the silver bird, on my way to Portland to see a friend I haven't seen for 4 years! Schlyce, glitterkitty. I've missed her. I was so hungry, I would have had time to eat if these assholes at the airport didn't make me unpack & repack 4 different times! Schlyce's text message reasured me that we're grub when I get there. Good. The good news is that it was raining, I hate the sun, so this was a good thing! The guy on the plane sitting next to me was cool. I made sure no one annoying or that 2 people sat near me. Every time someone asked me if the seats were taken, I told them no, but I go to the bathroom a lot just so they wouldn't sit by me and it works everytime. My friend picked me up at the airport and we ate @ a resturant on the river called McMenamins. The food was so good! We then drove back to her house where I met her 2 kitties. She put on her different belly dancing outfits and I shot some piccys while she danced. I was finishing up Tori's letter and putting the gifts together, which was probably a waste of both my time and money. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep because somebody gave their cats catnip before I went to bed & cats were jumping. & springing off my face, stomach & just everywhere. I know it sounds funny, but it wasn't at the time. LOL.