This is too sweet. I'm in Best Buy right now, on one of their big apple's I'm planning on getting. Next to me the cool apple guy, my personal DJ just so happens to have his personal ipod with him today. He was playing Depeche Mode and old 80's music and just for the hell of it I looked over at him and asked him "do you happen to have any Tori Amos on that?" He said he didn't know. He took a looky and there he had just one song...he didn't know who she was... Soooo, I said "I wonder what song it is?" Then I hear the first line "go to bed the priests are dead" and I get a big smile on my face, and I said "hey, and it's her birthday today" yeah hurrrah. And he blasts it throughout the intire store. So, we're on our 20 and 22 inch imac's listening to Merman on T.'s birthday. Nice. really nice.
He then Wikpedia's Tori and said "yeah, you're right it is her birthday today"... my reply "of course I'm right". :O)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORI, we've come a long way...
This day once was black and bleak, but that since changed when you came along.
Thank You. For a lot of things...