I was ill prepared for the show, not bringing enough GB for my camera. I decided to go at last minute. My friend Bernadette went with me, her first Tori show! I ran into an old Tori friend, Chris on her way to the bathroom during 'Jackie's Strength'.

It was *Magical*, perfect timing! This was the first time being out of my house after my Grandmother's death on Jan 5. So it was still really fresh. We squeezed each other tight. I couldn't refrain from crying. (We made plans to see each other and she paid me a visit a few months later. Chris, being a chef cooked some yummy food for me and we laid on the floor while listening to The Doors. She gave me one of her bracelets, which I still wear to this day!) Out of all those people in a Theatre that holds nearly 7,000, I can not believe I ran into her! So glad I did.
I also remember on the way out I stopped to say "Hello" to the tree I adopted. I like to call it "My Tori Tree" because I adopted it back in 1998 on the night of Tori's Greek show on her Choir Girl Hotel tour. I wrote on it- "Raven comes here often" (I use to live 2 blocks from The Greek Theatre) and "We Held Gold Dust in our hands". I would write something on it every time Tori had a show at The Greek. It's a big huge, I'm talkin' Huuuggge tree that many of friends had taken pictures with.

One being my/our late friend Jim Fernandez. Those friends that knew him and that are on my Facebook know what I'm talking about. May he rest in peace.
And finally, I remember Bernadette and I walking super fast downhill, tree roots everywhere, to my car in the dark and I tragically tripped, in a one-two BAM! Needing 38 stitches! It was gnarly!
A total bleeding mess
(and yes, I know this was maddness)
I remember this, but that's about it!
*What a Night!*

Snippet of Precious Things
Snippet of Strong Black Vine
China in sign language, I thought it was beautiful.
I laughed when Tori said "getting off"
and "smoking Mary Jane".
The lady was too funny.
I know this isn't good video, but like
I said, I didn't plan on going, nor was
I in the right mind.