You and your boys are sonically Brilliant and have changed and saved my life. Your music and words, books and wit are endearing. I'm so glad we have you Nick, you are truly a gift. You are as unique as your music and it will live on forever. I can't say how much I love you to bits. My dark brooding Nautical Virgo brother. I know how you hate the "getting older" thing, but just try to enjoy it, for you are aging like a fine wine my love. Hell your albums are getting better and better, with artists it's usually the other way around! The magical thing about your latest music is how utterly energetic it all sounds. It's "Prayer's on Fire" made by complete craftsmen who are still utterly at one (or utterly at odds-both work) with the inner punk/demon/guttersnipe/Rimbaud/Billy the kid that fueled you thirty years back. It's laugh- out-loud-funny but the humour cuts. Maybe listening to the truth hurts. Your music always cuts me to my core. Sometimes, I have to say, I can not listen to it. Some of the songs speak my truth so bad it hurts.
I will never forget our "make a little History" moment in Seattle, however short it was, it seems to linger.... your warm lips and that kiss was the best thing these lips have tasted.
Happy Birthday to a wonderful man. xox
"You are my favourite Lover"...
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