I grabbed all my The Smiths Cd's (because my ONLY way OUT is to go SO FAR IN) and a sweater, Peacoat, scarf and a bottled water. Thank all the gods, for it was FREEZING! By the Sea of course! I met Bernadette at a local record store called http://www.salzers.com/ . We went in for some Adam Lambert, Susan Boyle, anything Morrissey I may have forgotten, and looking at used cheap crap before we realised we better get going before we miss all the action!
We both didn't eat anything as of 6pm, so off to din din, after high-fiving each other like a couple of geeks when we both agreed on EL POLLO LOCO! (my fav. place). Nachos here I come!
We both were starving and ate like we were eating our "last supper" as on lookers we're horrified. OH WELL. I asked the owners if they had any "I love El Pollo Loco" bumper stickers, but no good! My friend was asking for a hat, lol, I even wouldn't wear that shit! They prolly thought we were drunk! Anyways, out of there...
I was following dette at some point, oh yeah, that was after the record store, then to a gas station that was too bright and blaring music to me. Ekk! Put gas in the tank and off we went down a dark road to the harbour, she following me this time. We got there and it was PACKED!!
We searched for parking as I almost crashed a few times because I was mesmerized by all the boats with X-mas lights & I didn't know there was going to be a fair there either! Dette didn't tell me! I was excited like a little kid. I like these sort of things. I'm a kid at heart!
She finally found a parking spot & then I. She found me some how & popped out of nowhere! We walked up & I was excited about the slip and slide, but then I saw the cotton candy and had bernadette buy me a mulit-coloured one (it was gross, stick w/the blue or pink).
She finally found a parking spot & then I. She found me some how & popped out of nowhere! We walked up & I was excited about the slip and slide, but then I saw the cotton candy and had bernadette buy me a mulit-coloured one (it was gross, stick w/the blue or pink).
After that, I saw the yellow rubber duckies and it was all over with. I ran over there and poor bernie had to deal w/me standing around this one booth for like 45 minutes! You don't know how much I like to people watch and I just love reptiles!
I just came back from the boat light parade, didn't know there was going to be a FAIR!
Walkin up 2 the man that worked there, I asked him how many winning rubber duckies there were,he said only 5! http://twitgoo.com/a2z4m
Never played this B4 EVER. My 1rst try, I get the "right #6" rubber duckie! I was happy, the man was mad! http://twitgoo.com/a2ypj

The man that worked there was in disbeilef, almost didn't want to give me me prize! Wth? Guess what I won? http://twitgoo.com/a2yqd
He didn't want to give me my turtle!? It was weird. But in the end we were friends! So happy I have a new pet! http://twitgoo.com/a2z5z
I won a little turtle!!! love him already! He's so cute & tiny! has personality! Guess what I named him?

Rest of the photos- http://tinyurl.com/yh8k48g
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