watch the video I provided of the Morrissey Mayhem as I like to call it!
Here's that douchebag that I'm gonna curse! What a NON-pacifist!!!

I stayed up until 4am last Sunday writing this review for I was told it would be published in the VC Reporter (our local paper) in print & online. I got my hopes up, then let down when told it wouldn't be after all, maybe my review was too honest and not "PC"? I mentioned the bad along with the good. Isn't that how a good review should be? BUT, not a waste of time for here is my informative, DETAILED review, darlings-of what really happened.
I been to literally 1000's of different kinds of concerts, following Tori Amos and Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, fiona Apple, Etc. around the U.S. and Friday Night's 11/12/09 at The Ventura Majestic Theatre was one of the worst concerts I attended, DUE to the staff whom were defamatory, obscene, abusive, threatening and over invasion of privacy. I myself, was pulled out of the middle of the pit by my HAIR for taking a photo of the opening act WHEN there were cleary hundreds of people taking photos and video everywhere. THE STAFF WAS THE WORST EVER AT VENTURA. LAWSUITS SHOULD BE FILED FOR HOW THEY ABUSED AND HANDLED SOME PEOPLE! GRABBING ARMS, SOCKING, PULLING PEOPLE OUT OF 'THE PIT' BY THEIR HAIR! CAMERA NAZI'S AS WELL. BUT YOU CAN HAVE A PHONE, DOESN'T MAKE SENCE. They got in people's faces as to "challenge" them and threw exspensice camera batteries about. I filmed them assaulting a fan, throwing him to the ground and socking him!
Another downfall was Morrissey's CREW/Sercurity. They were the worst I have ever encountered in my days of travelling from city to city, state to state , venue to venue. They were in opinion, VERY rude and immature. They were pompous and arrogant. Actually telling people they owned the sidewalk. They were very unprofessional and I can't see how Morrissey would want to surround himself with that kind of company?!
The show was ruined and spoiled because of Morrissey's RABID and rude fans, SOME of the fans were in complete disreguard towards other fans! The pushing and smashing didn't need to happen. PEOPLE NOT CARING IF THEIR CRUSHING SOMEONE AND THEY CAN'T BREATHE, AND ONE GUY WAS ON THE FLOOR AND I SEEN PEOPLE STOMP ON HIM, JUST SO THEY CAN GET CLOSE TO THE STAGE. SAD! I had to pick the poor guy up!!! JUST CALM DOWN AND ENJOY THE SHOW. There was a bunch of idiotic groups of fans that collectively rushed towards the stage, smashing everybody. A real bunch of Neanderthals.
The stage was low, but there was a barrier. They blocked off the sides of the stage with stacks. Damn' there was so much security and staff everywhere, it was a weird scene to me. I hate being so short, Next time I'm wearing fucking stilts and maybe even football gear and mace. I guess that maybe my experience could have been better if I waited outside for him to give him my letter and then just MOZzied on in there and my camera wouldn't have been seen, maybe the sound would have been better, more balanced? from the middle? and for sure I would be able to breathe. I mean, I couldn't even see the whole band. My ears were ringing for 2 days! I fucked up by listening to his asshole crew and some young punk asshole that told me he was prolly already in the buliding. I should have went w/ my gut instinct!!! I HATE his crew, that head guy hasn't heard the last from me! He will encounter the very personification of doomsday! Fucking Prick!
The opener was a band called Doll & The Kicks, who have toured with the Moz for the European leg of his Years Of Refusal Tour last year. Before Morrissey set out again to support his Swords release, he had asked for the same opening band.
I really ended up liking them. Doll came and stood right behind me to watch Morrissey. I loved her outfit, the best one I seen on her tour, wanted to take a photo w/ her, but the ASSHOLE took my camera battery and kept looking at me, Testosteroned little boy maybe craving his steroids!
After Doll & The Kicks finished, we were treated to a lovely series of large screen projections, Music and a Lou Reed Interview that had me cracking up! You can find all the videos/music here: http://blip.fm/DjFreakBitchBaby All 18 of them. One clip was a live performance by the New York Dolls, a big influence of Morrissey. Eventually the video ended in Lypsinka screaming as a small spotlight was shrinking around her, threatening to crush her inside a tiny circle of light. http://www.lypsinka.com/
Morrissey came out against an arresting backdrop of Italian
actor Walter Chiari. Which I must confess is one good-looking handsome man! wowza!
That's when all the emo kids got all crazy and smashed into everybody until they couldn't breathe! I lasted 2 songs and had to get the fuck outta there! I was in fair enough reach to hand him my letter if it weren't for the assholes! I'm usually not like this, but they were all trying to get on stage (which I really don't blame them, to hug such greatness-no hugging this night, lucky if you got a hand touched) and so everyone was merging forcefully so...
He started with the stunning visual highlight of the show with one of my fav. songs
“How Soon Is Now?” which featured absolutely shredding guitar playing from Boz Boorer and a startling light show.
I Love my Morrissey, but the sound was so off, needed to turn up the Vocals, and turn down the base. boom boom boom, thought I was at a rap concert. I think Morrissey needs a new sound engineer. Some suggest that Morrissey is not soundchecking properly and I heartily agree. If I'm not mistaken, the man doesn't always show up for soundcheck. I'm not sure. Big diva mistake if not. Just years ago he was doing upwards of 22 songs. This evening, 17. For the end of the tour? The grand finale? He seemed tired, he was out of breath and sweating excessively, so much that it had me worried for his health, knowing he collapsed on stage during a concert in Oasis Leisure Centre in Swindon just a few weeks before. He appeared to be "straining" sometimes to perform some songs, wiping sweat from his forehead quite often.
THE SETLIST was pretty good, I guess, (I have to remind myself that I am NOT at a Smiths' gig). I was VERY PLEASED WHEN HE PERFORMED MY FAVORITE SONG 'Cemetry Gates', I kept hoping he would & sending him telepathy messages, haha. (I was talking to a guy in front of me in the Starbuck's bathroom line that had attended a handful of shows, I told him I'd FAINT if Morrissey did MY song, he said "you don't wanna do that! then your'll miss the rest of the show"- as he was closing the bathroom door behind him, he popped his head out, giving me a look as if to say "I don't think so, not going to happen"). Well, HE DID IT!!! and I started CRYING! Crying as the greenish lights floated upon my face as to touch my face like a feather, to let me know "it's alright". The song is from 'The Queen is dead' album that came out in the United States on June 23 1986. I remember it well. This album was my security blanket and literally saved my life. I was about 14 or 15 years old living in Foster homes in Northern California depressed and sulky and this album was my best friend, I played that cassette tape over and over again. Know every word by heart.
SET LIST AS FOLLOWS: *Stars are my fav. song
•How Soon Is Now? (The Smiths cover) *****
•Irish Blood, English Heart ****
•The Loop***
•Let Me Kiss You ***
Ask (The Smiths cover) *
•First Of The Gang To Die
•Cemetry Gates (The Smiths cover) ***********
•I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris *
•Is It Really So Strange? (The Smiths cover) *
•Don't Make Fun Of Daddy's Voice
•Death At One's Elbow (The Smiths cover) ***
•Teenage Dad On His Estate
•Black Cloud *****
•This Charming Man (The Smiths cover) ****
•I'm OK By Myself *****
•Encore: One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell ***
So, I am an older fan, I was there during The Smiths days and I know things change...
26 yrs. An end to Era. No an end to 3 Eras. I'm sad.
Some of the younger fans need to learn how to treat people. They acted like animals! You shouldn't leave a concert all bloody, bruised and limping out. Seriously! ALL IN ALL, after all was said and done, I felt disappointed and let down about most of the experience. But, I understand artist can have an "off" day, that and the rest of the probmatic people made it a night I won't forget-and not in a good way!
It makes me SO sad to notice Morse has some heavy stuff in his future with getting old, coming to terms with his mortality and more importantly the mortality of those who you are close to him. Don't we all tho? Him and I are so alike in so many ways. Countless. One being our obsessing over death and those who have done us wrong. trust issues, isolation by choice, really deep thoughts (T.) and our love for animals in a way others don't quite understand.
A fan wrote this following comment and it made me sick to my stomach and I got eerily sad, I mean I was depressed for the rest of the night! -he was speaking of MozzyWozzy: "The bottom line is you are a half-century old. You've likely got less than 10,000 days left to live on this planet. Make them count". Umm, wow.
I forgive you Morrissey. You're too personal to my life and it was you before Tori Amos that saved my life. This is just what I wanted to tell you. This song, this album saved my life when I was 13, 14, 15, 16. This is my #1 fav song Besides I KNOW IT'S OVER. I know I'm telling too much here. but I don't care anymore. My story will be told. This song saved me.
My Morse said sometime during the show "And please remember whatever happens, I love you". ...And I started crying, because you know me my friends, I take everything as a "sign". Is he trying to tell us something? Is something bad going to happen? Is he never touring again? Is he going to die? (I know I get weird thoughts, but that's just how I was made?) HSP.
My Morse said sometime during the show "And please remember whatever happens, I love you". ...And I started crying, because you know me my friends, I take everything as a "sign". Is he trying to tell us something? Is something bad going to happen? Is he never touring again? Is he going to die? (I know I get weird thoughts, but that's just how I was made?) HSP.
have this really sinking feeling that the Ventura show could have been his last (besides festivals and such) I hope I'm wrong! my god, I hope I'm wrong on this. but the way he said "No matter what happens, I love you" and the way they all came out and bowed 2gether and I watched the look of Morse's face and it was like saddness, "this is it and only i know it"... **The last song too-is he trying to tell us something?** He looked so good in that white when he came out at the end.
I must be Morrissey's conscience. I sometimes feel I can read his thoughts, yes, even from across the room. A loud crowded room. Only a true fan can be so bold to talk about the obvious.
Take a break morse, but please come back to us. I don't know who needs who more, we need you or you need us? How about both?
I will always love Morrissey no matter what, for he and his music I hold so dear to my heart. His words saved this girl's life and that has to count for something - NO, IT COUNTS FOR EVERYTHING! Morrissey, my dear we are two peas in a pod and I'll meet you at the Cemetry gates, for we both know it's over, And It never really began, but it our hearts it was so real.
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