12/05-I spent the night @ that guy's house I met on the sidewalk. Okay that sounded really bad. Dai. You remember Dai, the tall guy w/ the camera behind the bushes! Just kidding. It worked out perfect. I'm so glad Joe came along at the last minute, it wouldn't have been the same w/out him there. We had loads of fun & Dai's rice & blackbeans were delicious, the pomegrante juice was the bomb! Next morning got up early, couldn't really sleep, so very tired. I had fun talking to the guys as we all got ready. He had coffee! Yum! We took the scenic route since the road was still closed. And I'm glad it was! What a beautiful ride, w/ good music, good vibes/energy and loved looking @ all the ranches & horses & trees. We stopped @ a mini mart along the way and I got a Dr. Pepper & my beloved Spree candy! I was so excited, their hard to find (the hard ones) & they had a big box! Funny thing is I'm lookin' at that box right now & sucking on them. Yes! They lasted me all trip and I still have them! We stopped again @ a rite aid & I got a throw away camera just for back up & that camera's been thru a lot! Lost in the backseat of Jim's car, I just got it sent to me in the mail today. Haha. At least he found it, I have no clue what's on it? Seattle piccys I know. I took a few of my fav. photos on this drive from Oregon to Seattle. It's a time I will always remember. I am to meet Lisa, my tour sidekick there and I was excited to see her. It's been way too long. So before I knew it we were there, I told the guys to let me out on the bridge. I tried to change my pants in the back seat, but had no time. So I jump out w/ my pants & go see what's up. There was Lisa w/ her boyfriend Josh & I couldn't be more happy. We hugged then she introduced me to Josh. I walk up more in hopes I would see some of the same people from the meetngreet from 4 years ago and there they were! Cat was there! After giving her a hug I turn around to this tall tall clown (no, literaly a clown) and he was standing there like 'heeeellllo I'm waiting for a hug'. I yell 'OMG'! It was Jerome! One of my fav. Tori peeps in the world that I travelled w/ during Scarlet's Walk! Omg was I happy to see him. He has disappeared and reappeared. He does this, this is his thing. But it was lovely & fun to spend the intire day w/ him. I met Chris, he's bliss. So thoughtful. He's funny as all hell. Thanks for taking photos of me & Tori since no one else seem to care. I will never forget out front of the venue when I said 'oh thanks Chris, I asked my friends to take pictures & they didn't' and you yelled 'well, fuck them!' Lol, I couldn't stop laughing & I still can't! I keep hearing your voice say that! Haha. You're the bomb. I owe you! xox. I met the beautiful Melissa who was filming the whole thing. Great idea. Wish I would have recorded more. (Another badly planned trip!) Melissa you are a sweetheart! So, after a good while Tori came out. I hardly ever see Tori come out, in all the years of me touring, I'm always talking to my friends. But I can always tell when she does because it gets all hush and you faintly hear all the 'ohhh's'. It's funny. She starts talkin' to Cat & then onto those 2 cunts that came late & just walked up front, as if nobody noticed. Then me, Tori lit up & said 'how have you been?' We talked for a bit & then I got to show her only a couple things from the gift bag I got her. I always feel like I'm being timed & raven doesn't like thhhhat! I know tori's not doing that, but I never want to take up a unfair amount of time. So, I am really bummed about how it turned out. She did write me something beautiful on this picture of her in the Cornwall hills, I put aside & saved for years. We did take a piccy too, but it came out, or I should say I came out awful in it. Too close for the flash. I know I'm white, but I ain't that white. Lol. It's crazy, happens everytime. The piccys I take w/ friends before & after turn out great, it's just that one shot w/ tori. Oh well. Sounds about right. So, really bummed I didn't get to explain the gifts to her & why I got them for her. That was important to me. I felt like I just handed her the bag. Pisses me off. Then Dor taps me on the shoulder & says 'this is how we're doing it this year' & tells me we move back after talking to tori. You know 'cause she works for tori & all [rolls eyes]. Are you serious, I haven't talked to tori in 4 years! And you talk to her everyday. My god, how much of her time do you possibly need? SAD! (I really don't mind her, just sometimes it's a little much).
Me & my posse (just kiddin') went walking around to find a place to eat dinner. We found a mall & we all got different things @ the foodcourt. I got me a taco that was yummmy! We were all sitting there eating in a good mood, but still bothered by how the meetngreet went. One of my friends made a comment that wasn't so cool and that wasn't so true in front of everybody that pissed me off, so there went the rest of my dinner. I got up, threw it out, grabbed my jacket & left. Everybody followed. We walked back to the venue. Chatted w/ peeps. Looking for a ticket. I ended up trading some weirdo old geezer that seemed all high anyways, 5 pills for a ticket. Haha. I could have gave him advil and the fucker wouldn't have even known. Haha. He was all happy & so was I. I walk in & damn' I love this venue. Oh I forgot to mention Joe gave me his front row ticket because he wanted to sit next to his friend. So, I go and get my seat. I gave up my front row & sat 2nd row so Matt Page, John & their other friend (that REALLY annoying one) could sit together w/out even getting a Thank you from any of them. Whatever. Never again. So, I liked my 2nd row seat. I was in a bad mood tho. because of the meetngreet, the comment @ dinner & not getting a thanks & a few other things I won't mention here. So, I said 'oh well, it is what it is'. I sat next to such a sweet girl, even tho. I sat there almost motionless, Awwe thanks Katie. Poor thing probably thought wtf? Haha. I got her number. People kept coming in and out of that seat? my friends & I knew that T. would do 'Seaside, being the 5th of december & being by the water. I had a feeling she'd be Pip, even tho. it was only my 2nd show I was pretty good @ picking z dolls! So-Pip we got and Seaside we got. :o)

which came out really great and was from a good angle. Got everything so upclose. Then later on a few days later I realised I had accidently deleted it, 2 reasons: being sleep deprived & not knowing everything about my new camera yet! Fuck was I/am pissed! But all in all this concert was my 2nd fav. out of the 10 shows I saw. At least she had energy these 2 shows. Tori must hate the West Coast. Besides these 2 shows & Anaheim we got 'so-so' shows, low energy & almost the same setlists. The West Coast got only 1 bootleg. What the hell is that about? Oh well, I have all the 'officail' boots (thanks to Mark) every single one of them. The missing West Coast shows are on their way to my hot little hands.
After the show I left w/ Lisa and Josh to their car, running into Jerome on the way, I had to sadly give back the bomb jacket he let me where all day. Bye Jerome, I'll miss you! And I'll miss that jacket, but Lisa's boyfriend Josh was a gentleman & let me wear his! Bravo darling! So we drive back to Lisa's house where I meet her sweet roommate Scott & her kitty Hazel (but I like to call her a cloud w/ eyes) we had bagels and tea, talked & went to bed.

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