So... I thought I'd be able to sleep in. Thought wrong... I got woken up early from a deep sleep. Kelly comes in asking joe where her car keys were & that she didn't remember if she drove there lastnight. Um, can you say scary? So, once I'm awake I'm awake & I can't go back to sleep! I was soo pissed. Got up & joe's mom made us coffee, SO NICE! We all were so lazy & tired. Me & joe went back & fourth if we were going to take a shower or not, or who will go first. Lol. So he does, 'cause I tell him I'm gonna take a long one. I am so glad I took one, I felt SO much better. I love those kind of bathrooms that have a big window you can open wide & get the cold brisk air in as you take a really hot shower. I did my hair & make up while listening to his mother sing word from word every Tori song that was pumping out of the "mixed tape" joe made his mom years ago to get her "into" tori! It was so kewl. It had me smiling in the mirror as I did my hair. It reminded me of all the mixed tapes I made for my dad & friends when I was turning them on to Tori. Fuck, one time I was getting into my G'ma's car & she was blasting 'Precious Things' from a bootleg I must've left in her car. LMAO!
So, I'm glad that I took my time w/ them. They are SO fun to be around. I started getting just a little bit worried about the time, just because I forgot it gets darker earlier now. So, we all take our bags & she takes Tyra barks w/ us. I LOVE that! Tori did say "you can bring your dog" Well, that's ezactly what we did! So, this next tour moment is brought to you by: raven, joe, joe's mama, tyra banks, soft fluffly blankets and the mighty breakfast burritto I couldn't put down. THIS IS ANOTHER FAV. TOUR MOMENT I'LL NEVER FORGET! So I pile in the back of this truck w/ white fluffy, seemed like goosedown comforter, blankets & pillows. Omg, this had to be the most fun & comfortable ride I ever took. Great company, great panoramic view, had my camera ready. Took some great shots! I couldn't believe how perfect these shots came out behind a window & speeding on the freeway? Love this camera! Joe kept going on & on about this breakfast burrito & I'm thinkin' yeah yeah. I'm very picky about food & don't like a lot of things. But I was remembering how one of my new year's resolution was to try new things. So I did. I trusted joe! So, he called in our order so we could just pick them up on the way. Joe & his mom had x-mas gifts & wanted to do a little x-mas get together w/ their family before we really headed out of town. So I'm so compfy & enjoying the view & I get to stretch my leggs out. We stop & joe runs in to get the burritos & a Dr. Pepper (of course). Omg, he opens the back of the truck and digs in this bag & out comes the biggest burrito I have ever seen! I am soooo glad I tried something new! I swear it was the best breakfast burrito I had ever sank my teeth into. I have thought about it a few times since being home & was continplating if I should drive all the way to San Deigo to get this burrito. It's that good. Next time I'm in SD for sure! I was having the time of my life back there. We stopped @ his family's for gift exchange, I didn't go in to give them privacy-plus I was making love to my burrito. I remember taking a picture of a school that was across the street, I liked the sound of the bell ringing and children coming out of school. All their little voices. I took the picture to remind me to have children some day. We took off for the freeway soon after. Taking piccys along the way-of clouds & palm trees and the car behind me so I can remember what a repore that dad had w/ his little girl in the backseat. He talked to her the intire way, looking back in his mirror as she laughed & giggled. What a good daddy I thought and hoped to have one of those one of these days. "Hang ten honey, I got to get me one of those". :o)
All the while texting friends like crazy! Trying to text, take photos, touch up make-up and catching the sun before it goes down-what a multi-tasker! I will never forget the texting back & fourth with Drew/Kayla. He said some of the most beautifulest things to me that day. Thanks for making it a memorable fun ride! xox. I even said to myself that I'd rather have this ride go on forever just like it was instead of going to the show. I was excited for all sorts of reasons. I LOVE Santa Barbara & the venue, seeing friends again, feeling like it was going to be a really good show and was to finally meet up w/ a good old friend that flew in from Costa Rica. I planned on meeting up w/ him in San Deigo, but that didn't work out & I'm glad it didn't. I had so much fun @ joe's mom's house & the drive up to Santa Barbara! I was just kinda mad @ myself, just a wee bit-because I thought it was a shame to show up so late when it was dark when Santa Barbara is such a lovely place. I would have loved to have walked around w/ friends & take photos around town. Made me feel better to know there wasn't a meetngreet. I knew we'd miss it anyhow. I wasn't expecting to make it. My bad. But there's always next time. And I had fun on the drive. I see all the lights & get all giddy. We drive around to look for parking. My window was open & It was funny, like everyone I saw walking on the sidewalk I knew. Haha. I saw Jesse & yelled for him. "It's raven, I'm in back of the truck" lol. He was looking around & spotted me & waved his arm in the air. We parked up the street from the venue. Pretty close! I hopped out & grabbed my purse and sweater & then saw Danni Rabbani walking across the street. I called him to come over, we walked down together, passing all the little snow/winter scenes and penguins. God, they really go all out on decorations here don't they? I realised just then I remembered the same decorations on a previous tori tour. Lol.
Gotta love it! I walked up & loved on some of my friends. Noelle pops up again. My OG's. Max, shelia, lisa, danni, karen, julienne, ran into Mike again (he might have had the license plate w/ him still-lol), Danny, Glo, my babies-Kate & Chris, just everybody, it was friends galore! I see my friend from Costa Rica Manuel standing in the doorway waving me down. Oh it was so good to see him I run in gave him loads of hugs & introduced him to all my friends. I haven't seen him for so long. The last time I saw him was when he came to visit me in Hollywood. Things between him & I that night @ the show was fun, were fine (until later-that's the "things are getting way beyond gross" part I was talking about). I even ran into a 'Sweet Fat Man'. :o) Steve is just that-SWEET! Talked to him in San Deigo & was it ever so nice to talk to him again & snap a quick photo just as the lights were blinking letting us all know "go, fucking run". Just kidding. Even tho I was late I ran into a lot of friends. So remember that other person I was dying to see besides Karen? Well, that was Katey! And where I walked in & sat she was walking up the isle and I said "hey" & put my leg out to trip her, just like I did to Mark (tori's husband). Heehee. It was soooo good to see her & catch up w/ how things were going in her life. She brought her boyfriend who she introduced me to by saying "I think he's the one". Hurrah! I think that's beautiful. So happy for her. I love that girl. As we were talking the lights were about to go out, or they did, don't recall? I had to move from my seat & saw a empty seat in front of Manual. Funny, of all places! Nice. So I have an isle seat in front of my friend. I wanted to get closer & remembered Danni telling me that he'd save me a seat. I told Manuel goodbye. So I looked to see where D. was sitting & spotted him "fighting" w/ a thick-necked jock jerk in front of him. Haha. Here I'm trying to get his attention & climb over laps to get to him & he's going off. LoL. Finally I call him & he gestured to "come on girl", so I went. Glad I did, I had the most fun sitting w/ Danni Rabbani. Him & Joe (note to self-remember this). Danni's all into taking video & pictures like I am, so we had fun together doing that. I have to admit something-i really didn't 'try' hard to get good shots this tour/just sorta did it in a relaxed way. For several reasons. Anywho, we had a lot of fun! This dude, this asshole/weirdo sitting in front of us-when ever I was taking good video of tori he would lean over & pick his butt getting his big fat head in the way! I was so pissed. I told him to go home & take a nap, because besides him picking his butt he didn't move at all. Like a statue, like he didn't want to be there. I got only a handful of pics. I deleted some video 'cause his fat fucking head in the way. Bastard! I got a improv & a fuck up. And a few other things. I would have gotten 'Parasol' if I wasn't freaking out so much! Ohhh I love this song. I asked her to do it. That's where I got my myspace URL from/part tori-part fiona: MySeaViewOhWell.
I never dreamed that it would be Danni I'd be sitting next to, having so much fun @ a concert with! I'm so glad he came up to me in San Deigo after all. It reminds me of how much fun he can be! The Show- (who doesn't love The Arlington Theatre?) We got Clyde e poo again. I didn't mind. I like her songs. (Danni told me on New Year's eve about her dress, he's all wtf was up w/ the puffy thing on the bottom. Haha. Weird thing is I don't even remember what Clyde was wearing). We got the Clyde songs-(I must tell you this-I really wasn't that familiar w/ 'Beauty of Speed', didn't even know what it was about, I always fast forward that song-it took hearing it live on the Arizona bootleg on headphones, randomly, while making eggs for breakfast just this morning--3 weeks after tour. wow.) Me & Danni were just snapping away and after 'Big Wheel' she starts playing a few notes. Now, this I don't get: 'Parasol' being one of my most fav. song in the world. Why in the hell didn't I know what it was? She did like a different little intro & danni knew before I did. We look @ each other trying to figure out what it was. He's all "it's parasol, it's parasol".

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