you'll never see the courage I know...

never tell

never tell

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yay! Tori loves Frida Kahlo!!!

-I'm really happy to see Tori likes Frida like I do. I always wondered if she did. I figured she did anyways. ;o) It's nice to see what she had to say about my beloved Frida.

Tori :
3. Frida Kahlo
You can't get further from Anges Martin than Frida Kahlo, from my perspective. One stirs emotion through the use of disciplined logic. The other, Frida Kahlo, activates my mind by entering into my blood. Her paintings, as I look at them, begin to live in my blood. The passion that it stirs in my heart heals and wounds all in the same breath.

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