you'll never see the courage I know...

never tell

never tell

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bloggy Stuff:

I am astonished, seriously.
Lastnight so much snot came out of my nose in one blow, that I was amazed.
I didn't think it was possible. I'm no being silly, I'm serious.
I started to feel kinda proud, like I should get my name in the record books.
Then I wondered if there was such a thing, maybe I'll be the first?
I didn't think all that stuff could even fit in there. Neither did my friend.


I'm realising how much I like Charlize Theron and how much I hate The Hogans-YUCK!

I'm also realising how much I miss having Tim Russert around, me being the news buff that I am, especially politics. God, I miss him and his soothing voice. I also realise that there will be yet another death (prolly heart-related as well). They come in 3's - so they say. Tim, George, and who's heart is a ticking time-bomb?
I don't know, that James Gandolfini from The Sopranos didn't look so hot the last time I saw him on TMZ.

I better never, from now on, "put off" seeing someone I like. You never know when their'll drop. Like I will never forgive myself for not making my way over to Bob Hope before he died. I use to collect his black & white 8x10 movie glossys and movies. I wanted a few things signed and to let him know how much he made me laugh when I needed it the most. I LOVE BOB HOPE!
I better go see Nick Cave, my sexy loverboy smokes like a train. I was going to see Boy George (yes, boy george) at The Ely Rey (I love the 80's music) but they won't renew his Visa, they won't let him in the country? haha. George Michael sold out before I could get my hands on any tickets!

I am reminiscing on all the lovely 80's music. Something made me think of Madonna. When she first came out, I was so into her. That's when she was good. I had all the posters from the magazines on my wall and I even dressed like her sometimes. Haha.
When I dig those photos up, they will be posted. I even had her hair! Haha.

I felt like watching this right now...


The weird dreams keep coming in...
A few nights ago I was having a quarter- eating contest w/ Jerry Springer, (yes, Quarters!) I could hear them clinging in my stomach as I gulped them down. Jerry gave up & started interviewing me in the middle of the contest. Clapping me on were my parrents- Gene Simmons and his wife Shannon Tweed Haha. Wtf?

Don't ask. because I don't know.

One night I could not sleep and I thought of this, I saw on Oprah a few months back, I always wondered, sadly- now I know...(just watch the whole thing, it's about 5 min)


People STILL don't get it.

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