you'll never see the courage I know...

never tell

never tell

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour-March 29th, 2008! Go dark-turn your lights out tonight!

On March 29, 2008 @ 8pm, join millions of people around the world in making a statement about climate change by turning off your lights for Earth Hour. An event created by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Even the lights on the Golden Gate Bridge will go out! The world can be dark tonight and it doesn't take much on your part.

*If you care about the planet you are living on, one hour isn't that bad at all!* (some say you can still have the TV on, lol, just turn off all the lights in the house). Shit turn the TV off for one hour and read or as Fiona says "sit and do nothing, 'cause it's just what you must do when nobody does it anymore". Seriously!

Go to the WWF website to find out more & the history of Earth Hour, who else is turning out the lights and much more. Thanks.

Take care of yourself and that thing you're standing on! ;o)

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